Orange Peel Cut

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Dried orange peel, a valued addition in both culinary and wellness practices, is a derivative of the vibrant citrus fruit known for its tangy and aromatic qualities. These dehydrated peels, often used in both their original form or ground into a fine powder, exude a rich, citrusy aroma that can elevate a variety of dishes and drinks. The unique combination of sweet and slightly bitter flavor profiles lends a fresh, zesty touch, making dried orange peel a cherished ingredient in kitchens worldwide.

The culinary versatility of dried orange peel is truly remarkable, serving as a delightful addition to an array of dishes. Whether infused into aromatic sauces, used as a zesty rub for meats, or incorporated into a medley of desserts for that citrus punch, the dried peel can redefine flavor dimensions. It’s also commonly used to add a layer of complexity to cocktails and teas, offering a tangy, fragrant twist.

In addition to its culinary uses, dried orange peel is esteemed in wellness and skincare regimens for its rich vitamin content and potential antioxidant properties. Often brewed into a soothing tea or incorporated into homemade skincare solutions, the peel carries a reputation for its potential benefits to health and skin vitality. In essence, dried orange peel is a multifaceted ingredient, infusing our lives with its vibrant zest both on the plate and beyond.

Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis

Also known as: Citrus sinensis peel, Citrus aurantium peel, Citrus peel, Zest of orange, Orange rind, Orange skin, Bitter orange peel, Sweet orange peel, Naranja agria peel, Naranja dulce peel, China peel, Chen pi, Dried tangerine peel, Daidai peel, Pericarpium aurantii, Neroli peel, Bergamot peel, Seville orange peel, Valencia orange peel, Mandarina peel, Pomelo peel, Kumquat peel, Calamondin peel, Bigarade orange peel, Curaçao orange peel, Citron peel, Suranjan peel, Santra chilka, Suntara chilka, Narang chilka, Kamala chilka, नारंगी चिल्का (pronounced "narangi chilka" in Hindi), 橙皮 (pronounced "chéng pí" in Mandarin Chinese), and پوست پرتقال (pronounced "poost-e porteghal" in Persian)